Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Last night I had some bad sushi from the local "picknsav" or whatever they call it now, the "meteormart" or something trying to atract the more upscale condo crowd. I looked aroiudn and aroudn for lingenberry sparkler or perservers, or anythign lingenberry at all, but there was none to be found, so I finaly settled on the storemade "sushi" wheere they hire mexican guys to wear these japanese head scarves and make the sushi and your suposed to think there jampanese guys. Not that I care how makes it if they make it right, but for one thing the rice is all wrong, it's too soggy and it doesnt taste right anyway, but the seaweed shit is all wrong as well. They pretty much got a grip on the wasapbe and the pikeled ginger, but the fish part! that's the worst! I guwss I should be graeteful taht its isnt just spoilded bad old fish, liek the kind that 's at the beach on lake michiagn here on the coast of schaumberg (just kidding there is no coast of schaumberg) becsuse they way the rest of the meal is going , I wouldnt put it past them to use fish that had been around just a littel to long. BUt NO, mayube the is WORSE after all, it's not even FISH ists IMITATON fish. It's fake fish made of god nos what, most likely soybeans and shit. And youi know what? It dostnt taste the LEAST bit like fish at all, but I guess your suposed to douse the whole mess in wasabit and soysause and then you wont even notcie thaat it has ABSOLUEY no flavor! Anywya, ok, I tryed to say, ok just enjoy it have a good dinner, and the bottle of mexicna cabernet I was washing it down with helped, but really the whoel meal just bummed me out. It was called somethiign liek the "marina special" but this shit was never near the marina or ocean or even a pond. But better thatn the "spicy tuna" wath out for that! That measns spooilded tuna that theyu put a bunch of hot sauce on so you wont notice!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I’m looking for a place to live in the Schaumburg area, maybe Hoffman Estetes, where I can keep my dogs and test out my expermmental dirtbikes, okay? Eveyrone gives me a hard time where I am now, and I’m fuckin sick of it. I hate shamabrug, the place is full of idotts., but I’m drawn to the beautiful rolloling hills, and the natural bueaty of the the late 20the centrry archictecutre. Also, I like living close to the Ikea store, because I can get stuff I need really fast,. Like when my garbages dispoasal breaks of something I can get a really nice Swwedish composter/salad spinner. And I’m totlally addicted to the Lingenberry sparkler, which I like to mix the pure grain alcholol., to make a drimk I call the “carter cocktale.”

Tuesday, August 01, 2006